So. Ich habe nun noch mal den ESP 32 per Webinstaller geflasht. Der Log sagt Folgendes:
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x4008067c
I (27) boot: ESP-IDF 4.3.2 2nd stage bootloader
I (27) boot: compile time 20:02:47
I (27) boot: chip revision: 3
I (30) boot_comm: chip revision: 3, min. bootloader chip revision: 0
I (37) boot.esp32: SPI Speed : 40MHz
I (42) boot.esp32: SPI Mode : DIO
I (46) boot.esp32: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
I (51) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source…
I (56) boot: Partition Table:
I (60) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length
I (67) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00004000
I (75) boot: 1 otadata OTA data 01 00 0000d000 00002000
I (82) boot: 2 phy_init RF data 01 01 0000f000 00001000
I (89) boot: 3 ota_0 OTA app 00 10 00010000 001db000
I (97) boot: 4 ota_1 OTA app 00 11 001f0000 001db000
I (104) boot: End of partition table
I (109) boot: No factory image, trying OTA 0
I (114) boot_comm: chip revision: 3, min. application chip revision: 0
I (121) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00010020 vaddr=3f400020 size=46fbch (290748) map
I (241) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=00056fe4 vaddr=3ffb0000 size=03ce0h ( 15584) load
I (247) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0005accc vaddr=40080000 size=0534ch ( 21324) load
I (257) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=00060020 vaddr=400d0020 size=1575fch (1406460) map
I (795) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=001b7624 vaddr=4008534c size=15208h ( 86536) load
I (846) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (850) boot: Set actual ota_seq=1 in otadata[0]
I (850) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source…
I (863) quad_psram: This chip is ESP32-D0WD
I (863) esp_psram: Found 8MB PSRAM device
I (863) esp_psram: Speed: 40MHz
I (863) esp_psram: PSRAM initialized, cache is in low/high (2-core) mode.
W (871) esp_psram: Virtual address not enough for PSRAM, map as much as we can. 4MB is mapped
I (879) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
I (882) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x40082e48
I (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.
I (1776) esp_psram: SPI SRAM memory test OK
I (1785) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (1785) cpu_start: cpu freq: 160000000 Hz
I (1785) cpu_start: Application information:
I (1785) cpu_start: Project name: AI-on-the-edge
I (1790) cpu_start: App version: v15.3.0
I (1794) cpu_start: Compile time: Jul 22 2023 09:43:02
I (1799) cpu_start: ELF file SHA256: 29d38f3fa1a9857c…
I (1804) cpu_start: ESP-IDF: 5.0.2
I (1808) cpu_start: Min chip rev: v0.0
I (1812) cpu_start: Max chip rev: v3.99
I (1816) cpu_start: Chip rev: v3.0
I (1820) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (1826) heap_init: At 3FFAE6E0 len 00001920 (6 KiB): DRAM
I (1831) heap_init: At 3FFBD890 len 00022770 (137 KiB): DRAM
I (1837) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003AE0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM
I (1842) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAM
I (1848) heap_init: At 4009A554 len 00005AAC (22 KiB): IRAM
I (1853) esp_psram: Adding pool of 4083K of PSRAM memory to heap allocator
I (1861) spi_flash: detected chip: generic
I (1863) spi_flash: flash io: dio
I (1878) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
I (0) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
I (1879) esp_psram: Reserving pool of 40K of internal memory for DMA/internal allocations
I (1879) MAIN:
================ Start app_main =================
I (1959) MAIN: =================================================
I (1979) MAIN: ==================== Start ======================
I (1989) MAIN: =================================================
I (2009) MAIN: PSRAM size: 8388608 byte (8MB / 64MBit)
I (2019) MAIN: Total heap: 4377383 byte
I (2029) gpio: GPIO[32]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 0| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (4029) gpio: GPIO[25]| InputEn: 1| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:2
I (4029) cam_hal: cam init ok
I (4029) sccb: pin_sda 26 pin_scl 27
I (4029) sccb: sccb_i2c_port=1
I (4029) gpio: GPIO[32]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 0| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (4069) camera: Detected camera at address=0x30
I (4069) camera: Detected OV2640 camera
I (4069) camera: Camera PID=0x26 VER=0x42 MIDL=0x7f MIDH=0xa2
I (4159) cam_hal: buffer_size: 32768, half_buffer_size: 4096, node_buffer_size: 2048, node_cnt: 16, total_cnt: 15
I (4159) cam_hal: Allocating 61440 Byte frame buffer in PSRAM
I (4159) cam_hal: cam config ok
I (4159) ov2640: Set PLL: clk_2x: 0, clk_div: 0, pclk_auto: 0, pclk_div: 8
I (6239) MAIN: Camera info: PID: 0x26, VER: 0x42, MIDL: 0x7f, MIDH: 0xa2
I (6249) SDCARD: Basic R/W check started…
I (6299) SDCARD: Basic R/W check successful
I (6359) SNTP: TimeServer not defined, using default:
I (6379) SNTP: Configuring NTP Client…
I (6389) SNTP: Time zone set to CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3
I (6399) SNTP: The local time is unknown, starting with 1970-01-01 01:00:04
I (6419) SNTP: Once the NTP server provides a time, we will switch to that one
I (6449) MAIN: CPU frequency: 160 MHz
I (6459) OTA: Start CheckOTAUpdateCheck…
I (6469) OTA: SHA-256 for the partition table: : 9d4a2809ae90fb20709a8ca3dd3ac3462e1e73286bcd31b689060c91de06fa3a
I (6489) OTA: SHA-256 for bootloader: : 4a9573dafac5d5c79c43e5a356568332da3a99dd2e220da6ceeadc96d32708a2
I (6969) OTA: SHA-256 for current firmware: : b64a22854eb1e33763bde88abf63d86bb137038b818f619734b7e59e5fc8e6b6
I (7009) SDCARD: Folder/file presence check started…
E (7069) SDCARD: Folder/file check: File /html/version.txt not found
E (7079) HELPER: New System Status: 0x00000010
I (7109) MAIN: Tag: ‘v15.3.0’, Release: v15.3.0 (Commit: 3fbff0a), Date/Time: 2023-07-22 09:42, Web UI: ?
W (7129) MAIN: Failed to read file html/version.txt to parse Web UI version
W (7159) MAIN: Web UI version (?) does not match firmware version (3fbff0a)
W (7169) MAIN: Recommendation: Repeat installation using AI-on-the-edge-device__update__*.zip
I (7189) MAIN: Reset reason: Power-on event (or reset button)
I (7199) WLANINI: SSID: FRITZ!Box 7362 SL
I (7239) WLANINI: Password: XXXXXXXX
I (7279) WLANINI: RSSIThreshold: 0
I (7299) MAIN: WLAN config loaded, init WIFI…
I (7339) WIFI: Automatic interface config → Use DHCP service
I (7389) wifi:wifi driver task: 3ffd15c0, prio:23, stack:6144, core=0
I (7389) system_api: Base MAC address is not set
I (7389) system_api: read default base MAC address from EFUSE
I (7389) wifi:wifi firmware version: 57982fe
I (7389) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0
I (7399) wifi:config NVS flash: enabled
I (7399) wifi:config nano formating: enabled
I (7409) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (7409) wifi:Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (7419) wifi:Init management short buffer num: 32
I (7419) wifi:Init static tx buffer num: 16
I (7429) wifi:Init tx cache buffer num: 16
I (7429) wifi:Init static rx buffer size: 1600
I (7429) wifi:Init static rx buffer num: 16
I (7439) wifi:Init dynamic rx buffer num: 16
I (7439) wifi_init: rx ba win: 16
I (7439) wifi_init: tcpip mbox: 32
I (7449) wifi_init: udp mbox: 6
I (7449) wifi_init: tcp mbox: 6
I (7449) wifi_init: tcp tx win: 5744
I (7459) wifi_init: tcp rx win: 5744
I (7459) wifi_init: tcp mss: 1440
I (7459) wifi_init: WiFi/LWIP prefer SPIRAM
I (7469) wifi_init: WiFi IRAM OP enabled
I (7469) wifi_init: WiFi RX IRAM OP enabled
I (7499) phy_init: phy_version 4670,719f9f6,Feb 18 2021,17:07:07
W (7499) phy_init: failed to load RF calibration data (0x1102), falling back to full calibration
I (7649) wifi:mode : sta (a8:42:e3:4b:62:64)
I (7649) wifi:enable tsf
I (7649) WIFI: Set hostname to: watermeter
I (7689) WIFI: Init successful
I (10069) wifi:new:<9,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<9,0>, prof:1
I (10789) wifi:state: init → auth (b0)
I (10799) wifi:state: auth → assoc (0)
I (10819) wifi:state: assoc → run (10)
I (10859) wifi:connected with FRITZ!Box 7362 SL, aid = 15, channel 9, BW20, bssid = 34:31:c4:3b:f4:7e
I (10859) wifi:security: WPA2-PSK, phy: bgn, rssi: -70
I (10869) wifi:pm start, type: 1
I (10879) WIFI: Connected to: FRITZ!Box 7362 SL, RSSI: -75
I (10899) wifi:idx:0 (ifx:0, 34:31:c4:3b:f4:7e), tid:0, ssn:0, winSize:64
I (10919) wifi:AP’s beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 1
I (11879) esp_netif_handlers: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (11879) WIFI: Assigned IP:
I (12399) SNTP: =================================================
I (12429) SNTP: ==================== Start ======================
I (12459) SNTP: == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
I (12499) SNTP: Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 18:12:35
I (13709) MAIN: Device info: CPU cores: 2, Chip revision: 300
I (13749) MAIN: SD card info: Name: ASTC, Capacity: 7538MB, Free: 7518MB
I (15789) MAIN SERVER: Starting server on port: ‘80’
I (15789) MAIN SERVER: Registering URI handlers
I (15789) MAINCTRL: server_main_flow_task - Registering URI handlers
I (15789) OTA: Registering URI handlers
I (15789) GPIO: start GpioHandler
I (15799) GPIO: register GPIO Uri
I (15799) GPIO: server_GPIO - Registering URI handlers
E (15809) MAIN: Initialization failed. Flow task start aborted. Loading reduced web interface…
E (79149) MAIN SERVER: We have a critical error, not serving main page!
Terminal disconnected: NetworkError: The device has been lost.
Und das sagt das LogFile:
[0d00h00m43s] 2023-10-01T17:27:26 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m43s] 2023-10-01T17:27:26 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m43s] 2023-10-01T17:27:26 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 17:27:26
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T17:35:03 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T17:35:03 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T17:35:03 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T17:35:03 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 17:35:03
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T17:35:04 [MAIN] Device info: CPU cores: 2, Chip revision: 300
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T17:35:04 [MAIN] SD card info: Name: ASTC, Capacity: 7538MB, Free: 7518MB
[0d00h00m13s] 2023-10-01T17:35:06 [MAIN] Initialization failed. Flow task start aborted. Loading reduced web interface…
[0d00h00m40s] 2023-10-01T17:40:30 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m40s] 2023-10-01T17:40:30 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m40s] 2023-10-01T17:40:30 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m40s] 2023-10-01T17:40:30 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 17:40:30
[0d00h01m45s] 2023-10-01T17:41:35 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h01m57s] 2023-10-01T17:41:47 [OTA] !!! System will restart within 5 sec!!!
[0d00h01m57s] 2023-10-01T17:41:47 [OTA] Reboot triggered by Software (5s)
[0d00h01m57s] 2023-10-01T17:41:47 [OTA] Reboot in 5sec
[0d00h00m00s] 2023-10-01T15:41:55 [MAIN] =================================================
[0d00h00m00s] 2023-10-01T15:41:55 [MAIN] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m00s] 2023-10-01T15:41:55 [MAIN] =================================================
[0d00h00m00s] 2023-10-01T15:41:55 [MAIN] PSRAM size: 8388608 byte (8MB / 64MBit)
[0d00h00m00s] 2023-10-01T15:41:55 [MAIN] Total heap: 4376891 byte
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T15:41:59 [MAIN] Camera info: PID: 0x26, VER: 0x42, MIDL: 0x7f, MIDH: 0xa2
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T15:41:59 [SDCARD] Basic R/W check started…
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T15:41:59 [SDCARD] Basic R/W check successful
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T15:41:59 [SNTP] TimeServer not defined, using default:
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T15:42:00 [SNTP] Configuring NTP Client…
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [SNTP] Time zone set to CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [SNTP] Time is already set: 2023-10-01 17:42:00
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [MAIN] CPU frequency: 160 MHz
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [SDCARD] Folder/file presence check started…
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [SDCARD] Folder/file check: File /html/version.txt not found
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [HELPER] New System Status: 0x00000010
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [MAIN] Tag: ‘v15.3.0’, Release: v15.3.0 (Commit: 3fbff0a), Date/Time: 2023-07-22 09:42, Web UI: ?
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [MAIN] Failed to read file html/version.txt to parse Web UI version
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [MAIN] Web UI version (?) does not match firmware version (3fbff0a)
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [MAIN] Recommendation: Repeat installation using AI-on-the-edge-device__update__*.zip
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [MAIN] Reset reason: Via esp_restart
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [WLANINI] SSID: FRITZ!Box 7362 SL
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [WLANINI] Password: XXXXXXXX
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [WLANINI] RSSIThreshold: 0
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [MAIN] WLAN config loaded, init WIFI…
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [WIFI] Automatic interface config → Use DHCP service
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [WIFI] Set hostname to: watermeter
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [WIFI] Init successful
[0d00h00m09s] 2023-10-01T17:42:04 [WIFI] Connected to: FRITZ!Box 7362 SL, RSSI: -74
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T17:42:05 [WIFI] Assigned IP:
[0d00h00m12s] 2023-10-01T17:42:07 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 17:42:07
[0d00h00m14s] 2023-10-01T17:42:09 [MAIN] Device info: CPU cores: 2, Chip revision: 300
[0d00h00m14s] 2023-10-01T17:42:09 [MAIN] SD card info: Name: ASTC, Capacity: 7538MB, Free: 7518MB
[0d00h00m16s] 2023-10-01T17:42:11 [MAIN] Initialization failed. Flow task start aborted. Loading reduced web interface…
[0d00h00m17s] 2023-10-01T17:42:13 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h00m18s] 2023-10-01T17:42:13 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h00m19s] 2023-10-01T17:42:14 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T17:43:30 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T17:43:30 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T17:43:30 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T17:43:30 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 17:43:30
[0d00h02m40s] 2023-10-01T17:46:26 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h02m40s] 2023-10-01T17:46:26 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h02m40s] 2023-10-01T17:46:26 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h02m40s] 2023-10-01T17:46:26 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 17:46:26
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:12:35 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:12:35 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:12:35 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:12:35 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 18:12:35
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T18:12:36 [MAIN] Device info: CPU cores: 2, Chip revision: 300
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T18:12:36 [MAIN] SD card info: Name: ASTC, Capacity: 7538MB, Free: 7518MB
[0d00h00m13s] 2023-10-01T18:12:38 [MAIN] Initialization failed. Flow task start aborted. Loading reduced web interface…
[0d00h01m17s] 2023-10-01T18:13:42 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h00m38s] 2023-10-01T18:15:32 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m38s] 2023-10-01T18:15:32 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m38s] 2023-10-01T18:15:32 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m38s] 2023-10-01T18:15:32 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 18:15:32
[0d00h00m51s] 2023-10-01T18:15:45 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:23:38 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:23:38 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:23:38 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:23:38 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 18:23:38
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T18:23:39 [MAIN] Device info: CPU cores: 2, Chip revision: 300
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T18:23:39 [MAIN] SD card info: Name: ASTC, Capacity: 7538MB, Free: 7518MB
[0d00h00m13s] 2023-10-01T18:23:41 [MAIN] Initialization failed. Flow task start aborted. Loading reduced web interface…
[0d00h00m14s] 2023-10-01T18:23:42 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h02m01s] 2023-10-01T18:25:29 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h00m42s] 2023-10-01T18:27:02 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m42s] 2023-10-01T18:27:02 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m42s] 2023-10-01T18:27:02 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m43s] 2023-10-01T18:27:02 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 18:27:02
[0d00h03m00s] 2023-10-01T18:29:20 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
**[0d00h04m35s] 2023-10-01T18:30:55 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main
[0d00h00m43s] 2023-10-01T17:27:26 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m43s] 2023-10-01T17:27:26 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m43s] 2023-10-01T17:27:26 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 17:27:26
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T17:35:03 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T17:35:03 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T17:35:03 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T17:35:03 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 17:35:03
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T17:35:04 [MAIN] Device info: CPU cores: 2, Chip revision: 300
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T17:35:04 [MAIN] SD card info: Name: ASTC, Capacity: 7538MB, Free: 7518MB
[0d00h00m13s] 2023-10-01T17:35:06 [MAIN] Initialization failed. Flow task start aborted. Loading reduced web interface…
[0d00h00m40s] 2023-10-01T17:40:30 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m40s] 2023-10-01T17:40:30 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m40s] 2023-10-01T17:40:30 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m40s] 2023-10-01T17:40:30 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 17:40:30
[0d00h01m45s] 2023-10-01T17:41:35 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h01m57s] 2023-10-01T17:41:47 [OTA] !!! System will restart within 5 sec!!!
[0d00h01m57s] 2023-10-01T17:41:47 [OTA] Reboot triggered by Software (5s)
[0d00h01m57s] 2023-10-01T17:41:47 [OTA] Reboot in 5sec
[0d00h00m00s] 2023-10-01T15:41:55 [MAIN] =================================================
[0d00h00m00s] 2023-10-01T15:41:55 [MAIN] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m00s] 2023-10-01T15:41:55 [MAIN] =================================================
[0d00h00m00s] 2023-10-01T15:41:55 [MAIN] PSRAM size: 8388608 byte (8MB / 64MBit)
[0d00h00m00s] 2023-10-01T15:41:55 [MAIN] Total heap: 4376891 byte
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T15:41:59 [MAIN] Camera info: PID: 0x26, VER: 0x42, MIDL: 0x7f, MIDH: 0xa2
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T15:41:59 [SDCARD] Basic R/W check started…
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T15:41:59 [SDCARD] Basic R/W check successful
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T15:41:59 [SNTP] TimeServer not defined, using default:
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T15:42:00 [SNTP] Configuring NTP Client…
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [SNTP] Time zone set to CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [SNTP] Time is already set: 2023-10-01 17:42:00
[0d00h00m04s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [MAIN] CPU frequency: 160 MHz
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [SDCARD] Folder/file presence check started…
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [SDCARD] Folder/file check: File /html/version.txt not found
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [HELPER] New System Status: 0x00000010
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [MAIN] Tag: ‘v15.3.0’, Release: v15.3.0 (Commit: 3fbff0a), Date/Time: 2023-07-22 09:42, Web UI: ?
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [MAIN] Failed to read file html/version.txt to parse Web UI version
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [MAIN] Web UI version (?) does not match firmware version (3fbff0a)
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:00 [MAIN] Recommendation: Repeat installation using AI-on-the-edge-device__update__*.zip
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [MAIN] Reset reason: Via esp_restart
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [WLANINI] SSID: FRITZ!Box 7362 SL
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [WLANINI] Password: XXXXXXXX
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [WLANINI] RSSIThreshold: 0
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [MAIN] WLAN config loaded, init WIFI…
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [WIFI] Automatic interface config → Use DHCP service
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [WIFI] Set hostname to: watermeter
[0d00h00m05s] 2023-10-01T17:42:01 [WIFI] Init successful
[0d00h00m09s] 2023-10-01T17:42:04 [WIFI] Connected to: FRITZ!Box 7362 SL, RSSI: -74
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T17:42:05 [WIFI] Assigned IP:
[0d00h00m12s] 2023-10-01T17:42:07 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 17:42:07
[0d00h00m14s] 2023-10-01T17:42:09 [MAIN] Device info: CPU cores: 2, Chip revision: 300
[0d00h00m14s] 2023-10-01T17:42:09 [MAIN] SD card info: Name: ASTC, Capacity: 7538MB, Free: 7518MB
[0d00h00m16s] 2023-10-01T17:42:11 [MAIN] Initialization failed. Flow task start aborted. Loading reduced web interface…
[0d00h00m17s] 2023-10-01T17:42:13 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h00m18s] 2023-10-01T17:42:13 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h00m19s] 2023-10-01T17:42:14 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T17:43:30 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T17:43:30 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T17:43:30 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T17:43:30 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 17:43:30
[0d00h02m40s] 2023-10-01T17:46:26 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h02m40s] 2023-10-01T17:46:26 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h02m40s] 2023-10-01T17:46:26 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h02m40s] 2023-10-01T17:46:26 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 17:46:26
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:12:35 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:12:35 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:12:35 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:12:35 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 18:12:35
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T18:12:36 [MAIN] Device info: CPU cores: 2, Chip revision: 300
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T18:12:36 [MAIN] SD card info: Name: ASTC, Capacity: 7538MB, Free: 7518MB
[0d00h00m13s] 2023-10-01T18:12:38 [MAIN] Initialization failed. Flow task start aborted. Loading reduced web interface…
[0d00h01m17s] 2023-10-01T18:13:42 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h00m38s] 2023-10-01T18:15:32 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m38s] 2023-10-01T18:15:32 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m38s] 2023-10-01T18:15:32 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m38s] 2023-10-01T18:15:32 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 18:15:32
[0d00h00m51s] 2023-10-01T18:15:45 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:23:38 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:23:38 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:23:38 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m10s] 2023-10-01T18:23:38 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 18:23:38
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T18:23:39 [MAIN] Device info: CPU cores: 2, Chip revision: 300
[0d00h00m11s] 2023-10-01T18:23:39 [MAIN] SD card info: Name: ASTC, Capacity: 7538MB, Free: 7518MB
[0d00h00m13s] 2023-10-01T18:23:41 [MAIN] Initialization failed. Flow task start aborted. Loading reduced web interface…
[0d00h00m14s] 2023-10-01T18:23:42 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h02m01s] 2023-10-01T18:25:29 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h00m42s] 2023-10-01T18:27:02 [SNTP] =================================================
[0d00h00m42s] 2023-10-01T18:27:02 [SNTP] ==================== Start ======================
[0d00h00m42s] 2023-10-01T18:27:02 [SNTP] == Logs before time sync → log_1970-01-01.txt ==
[0d00h00m43s] 2023-10-01T18:27:02 [SNTP] Time is synced with NTP Server 2023-10-01 18:27:02
[0d00h03m00s] 2023-10-01T18:29:20 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!
[0d00h04m35s] 2023-10-01T18:30:55 [MAIN SERVER] We have a critical error, not serving main page!page!**