14. Mai 2024 um 04:53
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe seit gestern das Problem dass meine Tapo Kameras C310 (4 Stück) sich nicht mehr konfigurieren lassen.
Die Kameras liefen über Monate ohne Probleme, und gestern aus heiterem Himmel eine Meldung in den Benachrichtigungen dass es Probleme damit gibt, bzw. dass diese neu konfiguriert werden sollen.
Beim Konfigurieren erhalte ich die Meldung ‘Invalid cloud password.’.
Das eingegebene Passwort stimmt aber, denn über die Tapo App kann ich mich damit anmelden, und die Kameras sind in der App verfügbar und funktionieren.
Ich habe die Integration schon gelöscht und neu installiert, aber ohne Erfolg.
Hat jemand eine Idee oder dasselbe Problem?
14. Mai 2024 um 05:11
Hat jemand eine Idee
Änderung auf Seiten des Anbieters? Ich setze die Geräte nicht ein. Aber wenn eine Cloud Verbindung abgelehnt wird, ohne dass auf der eigenen Seite etwas geändert wurde, klingt das naheliegend.
14. Mai 2024 um 05:31
Hallo tarag, das habe ich auch schon vermutet. Ich nutze den Cloud Dienst nicht, man muss aber ein Konto bei Tapo anlegen um die Kameras zu verwenden.
Wenn sich auf Seiten des Anbieters was geändert hat sollte das Problem ja auch bei anderen Nutzern der Tapo Integration auftreten?
Ich nutze diese Integration und die funktioniert auch noch
14. Mai 2024 um 06:13
Genau diese Integration verwende ich auch.
Das Problem ist nicht nach einem HA Update aufgetreten, sondern nach einem HA Neustart wegen einer Änderung an einer ‘anderen Stelle’.
Bin da irgendwie ratlos
14. Mai 2024 um 06:24
Es gibt ja 2 Passwörter. Eins für den Login und eins fürs Kamera Konto.
Nur mal eben überflogen, da steht etwas von Problemen mit neueren Firmware Versionen, hast Du das schon einmal geprüft?
opened 08:53PM - 13 Apr 24 UTC
# Thread for firmware 1.3.8 (or build 230921 and higher) and newer not working w… ith integration
There has been reports of users on firmwares 1.3.8, and newer, or on some cameras other firmwares with build 230921 and newer of integration stopping to work. This shows as cloud password not being accepted.
I have been in touch with tplink regarding a security vulnerability I reported in the past and this is most probably a fix for it.
This currently only affects some users, not all and most probably requires camera to be connected to the internet in order to receive the update for authorization, given that it affects older firmwares as well, or possibly an interaction with the official app.
I hope TPLink will send me instructions soon on how to fix this and/or give me permission to connect to cloud if required.
Users reported this problem in numerous issues, this issue will serve for tracking the progress on the fix and group all the conversation under one issue.
## Workarounds
If you need to use the camera with this integration until this is resolved you can either:
1. If your camera still works with integration: Block internet access of camera and stop using the official phone app temporarily if you are using firmware 1.3.8 (or build 230921 and higher)
2. If your camera no longer works with integration: [Use older firmware]( than 1.3.8 (or build 230921) and factory reset camera
### **Please only comment if you have any valuable new information. Otherwise your comment will be hidden in order to keep this thread clean.**
## This post will stay uptodate with the most recent updates below.
First report of the issue at
Second report of the issue at along with more users confirming the issue.
This thread has been created.
From my side, I have unblocked one of my camera on the latest firmware to reach the internet, so that hopefully I can get this update soon and work on a fix. I hope TPLink will provide detailed instructions on what has been changed so that I can work on a fix.
Added instructions about build number as some cameras have different versioning of firmwares.
I reached out to TP-Link after 7 days for any updates.
@reypm found a solution how to workaround this issue without [downgrading]( the firmware:
> 1. Factory reset the camera (it remains with 1.3.11 Build 231117 firmware since I could not find a way to downgrade the firmware)
> 2. Entirely block Internet access for the camera
> 3. Reinstalled the component (this component)
> 4. Re-added the camera (by reinstalling the component it removes the old config)
TPLink is working on providing me with the solution, got a reply today that I need to wait a bit more.
I have some very good news and a little bit of concerning news.
Good news:
1. Today I was finally affected with this on one of my cameras which allowed me to conduct research and I spent my whole day working on that.
2. I now know how to solve this, I just need to figure out some of the remaining details and implement the changes which should not take more than a few weekends of active work. There is a lot of work involved but it can be done and I now know roughly how.
Now the concerning news:
1. Integration will need to interact with tplink cloud to get the new password. This is possibly a one time job, but I do not know yet, it might expire and get a new password if it no longer works. I will need to find a way to detect this as well but thats just a little detail.
2. Due to integration's need to interact with TPLink cloud I have reached out to TPLink for their permission. If they refuse, there is no way how to implement this unless someone else makes a script to extract the pwd AND the pwd does not change, ever. Which would also make the set up harder for everyone.
14. Mai 2024 um 07:23
Hallo Bernd,
Danke für den Hinweis, das wird wohl das Problem sein.
Bei meinen Kameras ist die Version 1.3.11 installiert.
Dann schaue ich mal wo ich eine alte Version bekomme.
14. Mai 2024 um 10:23
Danke euch vielmals für die Infos und Links
Dann schaue ich mal ob ich die Kameras mit einer alten Firmware ans Laufen bekomme.
Ist schon ärgerlich wenn man sein System (inkl. Geräte) aktuell halten möchte und dann so etwas passiert. Aber das lässt sich wohl nicht vermeiden.
Hi Lampe.
Hast Du ne Möglichkeit gefunden?
Komm nämlich a net weiter.
LG Ronny
5. September 2024 um 13:47
Hi Ronny,
ich habe tatsächlich einen Downgrade der Kamera Firmware auf 1.3.5 durchgeführt und das automatische Update in der Kameraeinstellung deaktiviert, seit dem hatte ich keine Probleme mehr.
Gruß Elmar
Hallo Elmar.
Wie hast Du den Downgrade hinbekommen?
7. September 2024 um 06:47
es gibt eine Seite, muss ich erst wieder suchen, da kannst Du Dir die Firmware herunterladen, dann auf eine SD-Karte speichern, die Kamera vom Strom nehmen und die SD-Karte einstecken, wenn alles korrekt ist, dann wird die alte Firmware in die Kamera eingespielt.
Vorher vielleicht noch das automatische Update in der APP ausstellen.
Schau mal hier
opened 08:53PM - 13 Apr 24 UTC
# Thread for invalid cloud password on firmware build 230921 and higher
**Not… ice: This issue has been locked for discussion, and will be used to post updates only.** [Discuss]( or ask a [question](
There has been reports of users on firmwares 1.3.8, and newer, or on some cameras other firmwares with build 230921 and newer of integration stopping to work. This shows as cloud password not being accepted.
I have been in touch with tplink regarding a security vulnerability I reported in the past and this is most probably a fix for it.
This currently only affects some users, not all and most probably requires camera to be connected to the internet in order to receive the update for authorization, given that it affects older firmwares as well, or possibly an interaction with the official app.
I have a solution and I am waiting for a permission for integration to connect to cloud.
Users reported this problem in numerous issues, this issue will serve for tracking the progress on the fix and group all the conversation under one issue.
## Workarounds
If you wish to use this integration, until this issue is resolved, you will need to either:
1. If your camera still works with integration: Block internet access of camera if you are using firmware build 230921 and higher
2. If your camera no longer works with integration: [Block internet access and factory reset camera]( or [Use older firmware]( than build 230921 and optionally factory reset camera
## This post will stay uptodate with the most recent updates below.
First report of the issue at
Second report of the issue at along with more users confirming the issue.
This thread has been created.
From my side, I have unblocked one of my camera on the latest firmware to reach the internet, so that hopefully I can get this update soon and work on a fix. I hope TPLink will provide detailed instructions on what has been changed so that I can work on a fix.
Added instructions about build number as some cameras have different versioning of firmwares.
I reached out to TP-Link after 7 days for any updates.
@reypm found a solution how to workaround this issue without [downgrading]( the firmware:
> 1. Factory reset the camera (it remains with 1.3.11 Build 231117 firmware since I could not find a way to downgrade the firmware)
> 2. Entirely block Internet access for the camera
> 3. Reinstalled the component (this component)
> 4. Re-added the camera (by reinstalling the component it removes the old config)
TPLink is working on providing me with the solution, got a reply today that I need to wait a bit more.
I have some very good news and a little bit of concerning news.
Good news:
1. Today I was finally affected with this on one of my cameras which allowed me to conduct research and I spent my whole day working on that.
2. I now know how to solve this, I just need to figure out some of the remaining details and implement the changes which should not take more than a few weekends of active work. There is a lot of work involved but it can be done and I now know roughly how.
Now the concerning news:
1. Integration will need to interact with tplink cloud to get the new password. This is possibly a one time job, but I do not know yet, it might expire and get a new password if it no longer works. I will need to find a way to detect this as well but thats just a little detail.
2. Due to integration's need to interact with TPLink cloud I have reached out to TPLink for their permission. If they refuse, there is no way how to implement this unless someone else makes a script to extract the pwd AND the pwd does not change, ever. Which would also make the set up harder for everyone.
Super.Werde ich probieren.Danke
7. September 2024 um 08:22
Siehe auch den Post von @sirector weiter oben. Wichtig, nach dem Downgrade die automatische Updates in der Kamera deaktivieren.
Gruß Elmar
Muss ich sie nach dem downgrade neu zur App hinzufügen oder bleibt alles so?Weil wenn ich sie neu hinzufügen müsste macht die ja vorher automatisch ein Update.
7. September 2024 um 12:18
Es bleibt alles wie es war, sogar die Einstellungen bleiben erhalten.
Habe nach dem Downgrade lediglich das automatische Update deaktiviert.
Homeassistant meckert zwar nach einem Neustart dass ein Update verfügbar ist, aber das kann man ja überspringen.
Danke Dir.
Also da hab ja was zu tun heute.