ich bekomme die PV überschussladung mit meine Go-E Chager nicht hin. Als Energiezähler habe ich
eine Sonnen Batterie die mit meinen PV überschuss ausgiebt.
Ich habe folgende Intigration für meinen Go-E Chager installiert:
Hier werden die Daten per MQTT übermittelt das Funktioniert auch soweit. Jetzt muss ich
so wie ich es verstehe den wert pGrid überschreiben mit den Daten aus meinen Energiezähler (Sonnen) dafür
ist folgendes beschrieben:
Setable only PV-surplus entities
This feature requires firmware 0.55.6 or newer.
Key Friendly name Category Enabled per default Supported Unsupported reason
ids Input avail Power config
ids is used to input values to the ECO PV-surplus charging mode. (PV = Photo Voltaic aka Solar Panels)
ids is set with a JSON list: {“pGrid”:0.0,“pAkku”:0.0,“pPv”:0.0} - If values are accepted they can be read back thru the pgrid, pakku and ppv sensors. pGrid is required. The others are optional.
ids values decays, so must be updated every 10s or faster. No update for 10-15s means no PV-surplus is available. pgrid/pakku/ppv will thus all become unknown.
Only pGrid is used in calculations. Negative pGrid means power is exported, and thus available to the charger. Charger is then constantly calculating available power and adjusting charge power up and down multiple times per minute (on every update). If 1/3 phase is set to automatic, it will switch between 1 and 3 phases. The 1->3 phase switch level is set in spl3
By feeding ids values, ECO charging can be controlled (on/off) in the go-eCharger App. It is safe and expected to set this value often.
For PV surplus charging to be enabled, lmo (Logic mode) most be set to 4 (Eco mode), and fup (Use PV surplus) must be set to true.
See template example below for how to continuously update ids
Automation example:
alias: go-e Surplus Charging
description: "Simple automation to update values needed for using solar surplus with go-e Chargers"
- platform: time_pattern
seconds: /5
condition: []
- service: mqtt.publish
qos: "0"
# Change to your charger ID here
topic: go-eCharger/999999/ids/set
# Please provide your own entities here, as described above
payload: {{'{"pGrid": '}}{{states('sensor.meter_active_power_raw')}}{{', "pPv":'}}{{states('sensor.total_dc_power')}}{{', "pAkku":0}'}}
retain: false
Kann mir hier wer weiterhelfen?
by HarryP: Codezeilen formatiert (bitte immer in </> einbinden)