Zigbee verweigert seinen Dienst

Hallo Gemeinde,

mir ist heute aufgefallen, dass die Zigbee Integration ihren Dienst von heut auf morgen eingestellt hat.
Ich stehe gerade auf dem Schlauch und ich kann mir nicht erklären warum es passiert ist und das Protokoll hilft mir nicht weiter, da ich daraus nicht schlau werde.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-28 um 16.38.22

Nachfolgend ein Auszug aus dem Protokoll:

Silicon Labs Multiprotocol
Listening on port 9999 for connection...
Accepting connection.
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:02:35.317 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process UDP: Duplicated
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:02:35.327 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process UDP: Duplicated
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:02:41.770 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process UDP: Duplicated
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:02:41.776 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process UDP: Duplicated
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:02:42.759 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process UDP: Duplicated
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:02:42.765 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process UDP: Duplicated
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:02:43.901 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process UDP: Duplicated
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:02:43.910 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process UDP: Duplicated
Accepted connection 14.
[13:40:26:621332] Info : Endpoint socket #12: Client disconnected. 1 connections
[13:40:26:621414] Info : Client disconnected
[13:40:27:625325] Info : New client connection using library v4.3.1.0
[13:40:27:630080] Info : Endpoint socket #12: Client connected. 2 connections
Reusing socket from previous instance.
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.905 [W] Platform------: Handle transmit done failed: Parse
otbr-agent: ../../third_party/openthread/repo/src/core/mac/sub_mac.cpp:624: void ot::Mac::SubMac::HandleTransmitDone(ot::Mac::TxFrame&, ot::Mac::RxFrame*, ot::Error): Assertion `false' failed.
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.906 [C] Platform------: ------------------ BEGINNING OF CRASH -------------
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.906 [C] Platform------: *** FATAL ERROR: Caught signal: 6 (Aborted)
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.933 [C] Platform------: # 0: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent(+0x20786c) [0x556ff3786c]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.935 [C] Platform------: # 1: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent(+0x2079b0) [0x556ff379b0]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.935 [C] Platform------: # 2: linux-vdso.so.1 __kernel_rt_sigreturn+0x0 [0x835157a0]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.935 [C] Platform------: # 3: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 gsignal+0xdc [0x83066eac]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.935 [C] Platform------: # 4: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 abort+0x108 [0x83053aa0]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.935 [C] Platform------: # 5: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x2d478) [0x7f83060478]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.935 [C] Platform------: # 6: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x2d4dc) [0x7f830604dc]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.935 [C] Platform------: # 7: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent ot::Mac::SubMac::HandleTransmitDone(ot::Mac::TxFrame&, ot::Mac::RxFrame*, otError)+0xc8 [0x6ff99bd0]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.936 [C] Platform------: # 8: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent ot::Radio::Callbacks::HandleTransmitDone(ot::Mac::TxFrame&, ot::Mac::RxFrame*, otError)+0x30 [0x70033258]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.936 [C] Platform------: # 9: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent otPlatRadioTxDone+0x68 [0x6ffd755c]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.936 [C] Platform------: #10: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent ot::Spinel::RadioSpinel<ot::Posix::VendorInterface>::TransmitDone(otRadioFrame*, otRadioFrame*, otError)+0x58 [0x6ff31518]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.936 [C] Platform------: #11: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent ot::Spinel::RadioSpinel<ot::Posix::VendorInterface>::ProcessRadioStateMachine()+0x80 [0x6ff2f7e4]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.936 [C] Platform------: #12: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent ot::Spinel::RadioSpinel<ot::Posix::VendorInterface>::Process(void const*)+0x8c [0x6ff2d238]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.936 [C] Platform------: #13: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent platformRadioProcess+0x20 [0x6ff2a21c]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.936 [C] Platform------: #14: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent otSysMainloopProcess+0x28 [0x6ff35548]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.936 [C] Platform------: #15: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent otbr::Ncp::ControllerOpenThread::Process(otSysMainloopContext const&)+0x2c [0x7003dc78]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.936 [C] Platform------: #16: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent otbr::MainloopManager::Process(otSysMainloopContext const&)+0x7c [0x7004284c]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.936 [C] Platform------: #17: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent otbr::Application::Run()+0x204 [0x6fedee40]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.936 [C] Platform------: #18: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent(+0x1b0580) [0x556fee0580]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.936 [C] Platform------: #19: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent main+0x88 [0x6fee0740]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.937 [C] Platform------: #20: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 __libc_start_main+0xe8 [0x83053e18]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.937 [C] Platform------: #21: /usr/sbin/otbr-agent(+0x1ae8e8) [0x556fede8e8]
otbr-agent[309]: 3d.13:03:03.937 [C] Platform------: ------------------ END OF CRASH ------------------
[13:40:33] INFO: otbr-agent ended with exit code 256 (signal 6)...
OTBR_FORWARD_INGRESS  all opt    in * out wpan0  ::/0  -> ::/0  
Chain OTBR_FORWARD_INGRESS (0 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         
DROP       all      anywhere             anywhere             PKTTYPE = unicast
DROP       all      anywhere             anywhere             match-set otbr-ingress-deny-src src
ACCEPT     all      anywhere             anywhere             match-set otbr-ingress-allow-dst dst
DROP       all      anywhere             anywhere             PKTTYPE = unicast
ACCEPT     all      anywhere             anywhere            
OTBR_FORWARD_EGRESS  all opt    in wpan0 out *  ::/0  -> ::/0  
Chain OTBR_FORWARD_EGRESS (0 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         
ACCEPT     all      anywhere             anywhere            
[13:40:34] INFO: OTBR firewall teardown completed.
[13:40:34] WARNING: otbr-agent exited with code 134 (by signal 6).
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery: stopping
s6-rc: info: service zigbeed: stopping
s6-rc: info: service mdns: stopping
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent: stopping
Default: mDNSResponder (Engineering Build) (Apr  3 2024 12:22:03) stopping
[13:40:33:695488] Info : Endpoint socket #12: Client disconnected. 1 connections
[13:40:33:695614] Info : Client disconnected
[13:40:34:070087] Info : Endpoint socket #12: Client disconnected. 0 connections
[13:40:34:070312] Info : Client disconnected
[13:40:34] INFO: otbr-agent ended with exit code 256 (signal 15)...
[13:40:34] INFO: mDNS ended with exit code 4 (signal 0)...
s6-rc: info: service mdns successfully stopped
[13:40:34] INFO: zigbeed ended with exit code 256 (signal 15)...
s6-rc: info: service zigbeed successfully stopped
[13:40:34] INFO: OTBR firewall teardown completed.
[13:40:34] WARNING: otbr-agent exited with code 143 (by signal 15).
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service cpcd: stopping
[13:40:34:189900] Info : Server core cleanup
[13:40:34:190009] Info : Daemon exiting with status EXIT_SUCCESS
Logger buffer size = 28672, highwater mark = 2498 : 8.71%. Lost logs : 0
[13:40:34] INFO: CPC ended with exit code 0 (signal 0)...
s6-rc: info: service cpcd successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service cpcd-config: stopping
s6-rc: info: service cpcd-config successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service universal-silabs-flasher: stopping
s6-rc: info: service universal-silabs-flasher successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service banner: stopping
s6-rc: info: service banner successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped

Kann mir jemand bei dem Problem weiterhelfen?

HA ist auf dem aktuellsten Stand.

:pencil2: by tarag: Log in vorformatierten Text </> formatiert.

Das Multiprotokoll wird das Problem sein. Hat einfach noch nie richtig funktioniert.

Gibt es im Forum einiges zu. Aber wäre wissenswert welchen Stick Du verwendest.

Ich nutze den SkyConnect von NabuCasa welcher am Pi via USB angeschlossen ist.

Das habe ich mir gedacht. Musst den einmal am Browser anstecken und über Browser neu flashen. Gibt es hier öfter mal Themen zu. Müsste jetzt auch suchen.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-28 um 16.56.44

Der Stick habe ich geflasht.

Ich habe den Stick erneut geflasht und das System aus einem Backup erneut hergestellt, komischerweise ist nun die Fehlermeldung weg und alle Dashboard Verknüpfungen sind nun unbekannt, heißt nun alle 13 Geräte zurücksetzen und neu einbinden. :roll_eyes:

:pencil2: by tarag: Beiträge zusammengeführt