Home Assistant Fernzugriff einrichten & gratis HTTPS Zertifikat 2023

Ja das mit dem Abwarten war das Problem. Nach ca. 20min hat die Weiterleitung über Cloudflare funktioniert.

Hat noch jemand von Cloudflare eine Nachricht bekommenm wegen den Änderungen bezüglich “Let´sEncrypt certicate” zum 15. Mai und kann sagen ob man da irgendwas machen muss?

Anbei mal die komplette Mail, selbst nach Übersetzung ins deutsche weiß ich nicht ob ich da irgendwas bei mir ändern muss :sweat_smile:


We are reaching out to inform you about an upcoming change that will impact the device compatibility of Let’s Encrypt certificates issued after May 15th, 2024. We are reaching out to you because we identified that you are currently using Let’s Encrypt certificates through Universal SSL, Advanced Certificate Manager, Custom Certificates, or SSL for SaaS. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Let’s Encrypt change and make any necessary adjustments ahead of time.

Change Overview

Let’s Encrypt issues certificates through two chains: the ISRG Root X1 chain and the ISRG Root X1 chain cross-signed by IdenTrust’s DST Root CA X3. The cross-signed chain has allowed Let’s Encrypt certificates to become widely trusted, while the pure chain developed compatibility with various devices over the last 3 years, growing the number of Android devices trusting ISRG Root X1 from 66% to 93.9%.

Let’s Encrypt announced that the cross-signed chain is set to expire on September 30th, 2024. As a result, Cloudflare will stop issuing certificates from the cross-signed CA chain on May 15th, 2024.


The expiration of the cross-signed chain will primarily affect older devices (e.g. Android 7.0 and earlier) and systems that solely rely on the cross-signed chain and lack the ISRG Root X1 chain in their trust store. This change could result in certificate validation failures on these devices, potentially leading to warning messages or access problems for users visiting your website.

Impact to certificates issued through Universal SSL, Advanced Certificate Manager, or SSL for SaaS:

To prepare for the CA expiration, after May 15th, Cloudflare will no longer issue certificates from the cross-signed chain. Certificates issued before May 15th will continue to be served to clients with the cross-signed chain. Certificates issued on May 15th or after will use the ISRG Root X1 chain. Additionally, this change only impacts RSA certificates. It does not impact ECDSA certificates issued through Let’s Encrypt. ECDSA certificates will maintain the same level of compatibility that they have today.

Impact to certificates uploaded through Custom Certificates:

Certificates uploaded to Cloudflare are bundled with the certificate chain that Cloudflare finds to be the most compatible and efficient. After May 15th, 2024, all Let’s Encrypt certificates uploaded to Cloudflare will be bundled with the ISRG Root X1 chain, instead of the cross-signed chain. Certificates uploaded before May 15th will continue to use the cross-signed chain until that certificate is renewed.

Important Dates

May 15th, 2024: Cloudflare will stop issuing certificates from the cross-signed CA chain. In addition, Let’s Encrypt Custom Certificates uploaded after this date will be bundled with the ISRG X1 chain instead of the cross-signed chain.

September 30th, 2024: The cross-signed CA chain will expire.


To reduce the impact of this change, we recommend taking the following steps:

Change CAs: If your customers are making requests to your application from legacy devices and you expect that this change will impact them, then we recommend using a different certificate authority or uploading a certificate from the CA of your choice. 

Monitoring: Once the change is rolled out, we recommend monitoring your support channels for any inquiries related to certificate warnings or access problems.  

Update Trust Store: If you control the clients that are connecting to your application, we recommend upgrading the trust store to include the ISRG Root X1 chain to prevent impact. 

If you have any questions, we recommend that you refer to our Developer Documentation or blog post regarding this change. If you are an Enterprise customer and have additional questions or concerns, please reach out to your Account Team.
Cloudflare Dashboard

Nur überflogen und gesundheitlich nicht ganz auf der Höhe…

Aber bei Let‘s Encrypt läuft eines der Stamm Zertifikate / Cross Signierung aus und wird durch eigene Stamm Zertifikate.

Dadurch müssen alle Zertifikate neu ausgestellt werden, was ohnehin alle drei Monate passieren muss. Außerdem ist es möglich, dass auf (sehr) alten Geräten die neuen Stammzertifikate nicht hinterlegt sind.

Unterm Strich eine reine Information, die keine Auswirkungen hat, wenn keine veraltete Software genutzt wird.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe bei mir den Cloudflare Tunnel erfolgreich mit einer Ionos Domain zum laufen bekommen. Über den Webbrowser funktioniert der Zugang auch Einwandfrei. Nur über die Android App von Home Assistent bekomme ich keine Verbindung hergestellt. Bei der externen URL in der App habe ich auch https://meinedomain.de eingetragen, bekomme aber immer den Fehler
" Die Website unter https://meinedomain.de/?external_auth=1 konnte nicht geladen, weil: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED "

Muss man für den Appzugriff gesonderte Einstellungen vornehmen oder funktioniert der Zugriff darüber einfach nicht?

Vielen Dank und Gruß

Edit: Hat sich erledigt! Hab das www in der URL vergessen… Mit https://www.meinedomain.de funktioniert es wunderbar :smiley:

1 „Gefällt mir“

Hallo zusammen, ich hab alles eingerichtet, den weg mit duckdns, hab aber das problem das das Cert trotzdem ungültig angezeigt wird. irgendwelche Ideen?

(Beitrag vom Verfasser gelöscht)